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43 entries.
John Crandall John Crandall from Des Moines wrote on March 30, 2018 at 2:25 am
I had the honor to participate in a technical surveillance course that was assisted and instructed by Mr. Don Shiles.

I never had the opportunity or privilege to speak with Mr. Shiles, but it was obvious that he brought an incredible wealth of expertise to our instruction and class work.

Given my Father's background, and Mr. Shiles expertise, I always wondered if my Father had met him and may have worked with Mr. Shiles in some capacity.

My Father was one of our Nation's first builders of United States satellites and then later worked for the United States Navy (civilian) to implement multiple technological surveillance programs throughout the world - Diego Garcia, Adak, Alaska; Edzell, Scotland; Philippines.

I mention this because I believe that at some point in time Mr. Shiles provided support to the very same programs my Father was also a member and leader.

Whether or not this actually occurred, it is my desire to state that I could ascertain Mr. Shiles true expertise and importance to our Nation's safety and prosperity.

With that being said, I wish to send my sincere condolences and deep gratitude for Mr. Shiles contributions to our Nation and the advancement of our world.

With or without Mr. Shiles, the entire Nation owes a huge debt of gratitude for his generosity, perseverance, and personal desire to help us all seek to be better individuals.

Sincerely and respectfully submitted to the family and friends or Mr. Shiles.
Erin Chavez Erin Chavez from Fresno wrote on February 22, 2018 at 8:22 pm
One memory I have with Grandpop was when I was kid. We spent the summer with him and grandma, and had so much fun, I remember getting to see his locksmith clsssroom and thinking how cool it was that this was his job. I remember every person we met in the halls or out on base just adored Grandpop! . I also remember doing golf lessons on base that summer and him being proud of me and how well I did in the driving competition.
Gosh I wish I had more vivid memories but one thing I know was he was such a kind loving man, who gave the best snuggles. I remember so many of my grandparent’s visits to my parents home in California and I just remember going to places like the mall and holding his hand as we walked and sitting in the hall with him while everyone else went into the shops, just so I could sit and talk to him.
Love and miss him a ton, but I know he is in a good place now, where he no longer has to suffer.
Love you Pop pop.
Linda Miller Linda Miller from Bowie wrote on February 3, 2018 at 10:38 am
I began taking classes with Gay at the Shiles Studio almost 8 years ago. Don, a beautiful artist himself, was curious about our art projects and would come into the studio to check on our progress. Always kind and welcoming -- and rarely without a dog(s) by his side -- we'd greet one another when I arrived for class. Don impressed me as a gentle and caring man, and I'm certain he'll be missed by all of us who knew him.
Yvette hopkins Yvette hopkins from Shetland wrote on January 31, 2018 at 4:56 pm
A national treasure. A beautiful spirit. An exquisite teacher and mentor to all of us. We are all blessed to have known Don, and my memories of him will stay with me forever. Unfortunately, I am out of country and unable to attend his Service. However, please let me know if there is anything I can do to provide support to Gayle and the Family.

COL (Ret) Yvette Hopkins
Richard Shiles Richard Shiles from Glen Rock, Pa wrote on January 31, 2018 at 3:40 pm
Don, you may be gone, but you will always be with me in my thoughts and heart. You were my mentor in so many things, to include getting me involved in the Army which became our careers. As children growing up in the middle of the Nevada desert, and on the long rides to and from school, you were not only my brother, but my best friend as well. There are so many fond memories, it would take a book to give them their due emphasis. Love you, and miss you brother.
Jerry Shiles Jerry Shiles from Shawnee wrote on January 31, 2018 at 3:04 pm
I have been blessed to have awesome parents and two incredibly inspiring brothers to show me the way to be the best man possible. Don, you may have left this physical world, but you are still part of every memory, every moment of joy we shared together, every breeze or drop of rain,. You will always be a part of me and with me every day. I will miss your laugh, your joy in life, but I will not miss you because you have not left me. Your spirit is always near at hand. I love you brother.
Stella Kintchen Stella Kintchen from Maryland wrote on January 31, 2018 at 8:42 am
Prayers go out to the family, I am sorry for your loss. May you rest in Peace Mr. Shiles.
Paul Aguayo Paul Aguayo from Laurel, MD wrote on January 30, 2018 at 8:19 pm
Don was a great American, true patriot, awesome Agent and mentor to many. Many of Don’s accomplishments can’t be shared due to the security requirements we are all bound to uphold but we should all be thankful for his long and faithful service. That said I am honored and thankful to have known and be mentored by him. I had a front row seat watching him prepare, train and then deploy to Iraq with a task force comprised mostly of personnel a fraction of his age (he was 67). He worked harder and trained harder than anyone on that task force in turn inspiring us all to do the same. He will be missed but will continue to inspire many of us for years to come. RIP my friend and thank you for your service and friendship.
Rick Gallina Rick Gallina from St. Louis wrote on January 30, 2018 at 3:35 pm
Don was a great American and agent. He supported and defended his country even when he did not have to. For those who did not know, when the Group deployed to Iraq in 2004, Don pulled his retirement papers and went with the Taskforce.
DJ Calhoun DJ Calhoun from Ft. Meade wrote on January 29, 2018 at 9:39 am
Don was truly one of a kind. His creativity, kindness, and wonderful stories while teaching have left an indelible mark. My fondest memories of him will always be his demonstrations of how to solve problems using a bigger hammer. It was truly an honor to have learned from him. My deepest sympathies and condolences to his loving family. He will be greatly missed.
Mark Taylor Mark Taylor from Northern VA wrote on January 29, 2018 at 8:57 am
Don was one of a kind. I showed up at his door at work one day in 2008 because I needed to learn something very specific and someone told me that Don was "The Guy". Don dropped everything he was doing to help me out over the next several days. It seemed the more he taught me, the more I needed to learn and I would show up again and again to continue learning from the master. Many times over lunch he would tell me stories from his past adventures, but just as often he would talk about his family. He was a brilliant man, a Patriot, and a great American. It was an honor to have learned from him, and an even greater honor that I got to be his friend.

My sincere condolences to his family. He will be missed.

Clay Fisher Clay Fisher from Severn wrote on January 28, 2018 at 10:57 am
A true patriot , a soldier, an exceptional counterintelligence professional, and a very good man who left the world a better place by being here.
Carol Burke Carol Burke from Arnold wrote on January 25, 2018 at 9:00 am
I will never forget the time I spent with Don at the art receptions we had at North Arundel Library. He shared his stories of the years he spent serving our country. Such an honor to have had that time with him. He had a gentle strength and this saying pretty much sums it up... "Quiet waters run deep".
Roger Rose Roger Rose from Olympia wrote on January 23, 2018 at 3:27 pm
Don was a great friend for almost 40 years. We first met in Germany and our family's shared many experiences together. Over the years that followed we did not have much contact since we lived on opposite sides of the US. However the friendship was renewed when I got the opportunity to work out of Maryland for about three years in 2012. We enjoyed sharing many military stories and adventures he will be truly missed.
Natalie Natalie from Maryland wrote on January 23, 2018 at 1:17 pm
I remember Don from way back; I met you both when you were teaching nights at Severn Park High School. Don noticed that I had painted maybe three or four different doors as subjects in my paintings, and asked me "where do you plan to go thru those doors?" I hadn't even been aware of what I was doing. His comments made me know that our art work can often be a reflection of some parts of ourselves that we might not even be aware of. Who knew?
Teresa DiBattista Teresa DiBattista from Pasadena wrote on January 21, 2018 at 9:33 pm
Don was the best. He was kind, intelligent, interesting and humorous, all of that accented with a great smile. He was a man of family, god and country, a true American. It was a pleasure to have known him. May he rest in peace.
Peggy Bowley Peggy Bowley from Parsons, Tennessee wrote on January 21, 2018 at 1:48 pm
Both Don and Gay were such a large part of my life for almost 20 years. I started taking lessons from them in the early 1990s and stopped when I moved to Tennessee in December 2008. Don was always a gentleman. A very kind and encouraging teacher and friend. He loved his family and especially loved and served his country. You could always count on Don. He will be missed by all.
Alison Burbage Alison Burbage from 101 Riggs Avenue wrote on January 21, 2018 at 9:13 am
Don was a cherished part of class for all the years I have studied under Gay. His help with my pictures was much appreciated as were his kindness and cheerful ness. Like so many others, I will miss him very much.
Mary Martha Rose Mary Martha Rose from Olympia wrote on January 20, 2018 at 6:12 pm
Our friendship has spanned over 38 years and two countries. My fondest memories are traveling and camping in Italy. He was fearless when it came to driving the autoban. He always had a smile for me. He always teased me saying "when you sing I don't need hearing aids " Don and Gay have both been a great influence in my life. Even though he will be missed I know he is busy helping and talking to love ones who have passed before him.
Beatrice Bland (Bea) Beatrice Bland (Bea) from Richmond, KY wrote on January 20, 2018 at 5:03 pm
I so enjoyed Don. My connection was with Gay and her art classes, I enjoyed Dons art and enjoyed hearing about his history. Indeed,a fascinating man, and fascinating family. You will be missed.

Be a Bland